Part 12 - The Effects of Diet on LDL-C, As Told By Energy Delivery
Previous - Part 11 - The Effects of Diet on Markers of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health
In the previous, penultimate section we touched on the ways
in which macronutrient distribution affects common markers of cardiometabolic
health. One incredibly popular marker still remains, though, and that is of
course LDL-C.
There are a couple good reasons to save LDL-C for last. For
one, it doesn’t move in a consistent direction with carbohydrate restriction in
the way HDL-C, triglycerides, or blood sugar might – how it moves depends on who
is restricting carbohydrates. But mostly, we’re discussing it last because
this entire series focuses on the shortcomings of the modern cholesterol
paradigm, in which LDL-C is the central player.
To be clear, I am not making the claim that nothing in the
world aside from energy delivery affects LDL-C levels. For example, plant
sterols (essentially the plant version of cholesterol, but not usable in the
human body) lower LDL-C to a certain degree. But, as has been explained at length in this series, I am
making the claim that energy delivery is the primary driver of LDL cholesterol
levels. And furthermore, that this energy system is driven primarily by what
you eat.
So…what happens to your LDL-C when you eat more carbs, or,
perhaps, what happens when you eat less?
Personal Anecdote
Early last month I consumed a fairly prodigious amount of
cheese (and more – the reasons why are here, but aren’t important) over the
course of a weekend before having my blood drawn the next day. My LDL-C on that
morning? 108mg/dl. This was on the heels of some significant fat consumption –
a three day average of 192g of saturated fat, some 8 or 9 times more than the
USDA recommend the average person eat in a day.
Just 13 days later, another blood draw returned an LDL-C of
180 mg/dl. In the intervening days, I consumed a maximum of 152g of saturated
fat and averaged only 83g per day. Clearly, saturated fat consumption didn’t drive
the extreme increase in LDL-C, as it is traditionally thought to do. So, what
The important missing information is that the second blood
draw came on day 3 of an extended fast, meaning I had literally consumed
nothing – zero grams of fat – the two days prior. My LDL-C was elevated for the
exact reasons that have been outlined at length in these writings – increasing
LDL-C is an unavoidable consequence of utilizing fat for energy.
Low-Carb Trials and LDL-C
We don’t need to rely on my stories for evidence though – studies
indeed demonstrate that healthy individuals will see a rise in LDL-C during
extended fasting.1,2 Healthy individuals moving to
a very low-carbohydrate diet experience the same, just as we would expect.3–7 Note the use of the word
“healthy” here – these are individuals without significant metabolic
dysfunction. They neatly fit the profile we’ve described of a metabolically
healthy individual with excellent health markers that experience an increase in
LDL-C as a consequence of trafficking triglycerides for energy.
But what if they weren’t healthy? Imagine instead a study
that enrolled only those with metabolic dysfunction, obesity, and insulin
resistance. These individuals might very well already have elevated LDL-C
alongside poor markers of metabolic health, a consequence of poor triglyceride
utilization, increased return of triglycerides to the liver, and compensatory
VLDL production. The traditional cholesterol paradigm would likely be aghast at
the suggestion that these individuals consume more fat, with their LDL-C
already considered a risk to their health and the increased fat, surely, likely
to elevate it even further.
But of course, this is not what happens. As many studies
that demonstrated, the common finding in these individuals is indeed lower LDL-C
following the transition to a low-carb, high-fat diet.8–21 Of course, an energy delivery
model of lipid metabolism explains clearly why this is the case – reduced blood
sugar and insulin levels allow for improved fatty acid utilization, increased
triglyceride clearance, reduced triglyceride return to the liver, and the
gradual reduction of excess VLDL production. Much like my fasting example
above, a traditional paradigm that suggests fat consumption as the prime driver
of elevated LDL-C levels simply cannot explain these observations.
(You may notice here that these findings, taken together,
suggest that over a long enough time frame an obese individual restricting
carbohydrates would experience BOTH an initial decrease in LDL-C and then again
increasing LDL-C levels following a return to normal weight and metabolic
health. Of course, every other possible marker of health – HDL-C,
triglycerides, blood sugar, body fat, blood pressure, etc. – would be much
closer to optimal by the end of this journey)
If you’ve read the first eleven sections on this topic, nothing
written above is surprising or even new. While the traditional paradigm
continues to stress carbohydrate consumption in an effort to lower LDL-C, it is
overwhelmingly clear that this approach may or may not have the desired effect
but will certainly contribute to worsening metabolic health. I’ll end this
series with the conclusion from my paper on cholesterol and lipid metabolism:
“This paper is absolutely not
intended to make the argument that elevated LDL-C via an energy-driven increase
in endogenous VLDL production is a metabolic state for which one need necessarily
strive. Instead, this particular metabolic presentation is examined at length
because it succinctly highlights the failure of the lipid-heart and diet-heart
hypotheses that have undermined public health for decades. It is not a
metabolic state towards which one needs to strive, but, far more importantly,
it is also does not appear to be a metabolic state of which one needs to be
afraid. The full body of scientific evidence, massive in both scope and depth,
makes this incredibly clear.
What this paper is meant to
argue is that the myopic focus on LDL-C and total cholesterol and the
demonization of dietary fat must begin receding from medical, nutritional, and
public consciousness if chronic health is to improve in western society. It is
absolutely meant to highlight the indisputable evidence that every legitimate
marker of chronic and cardiometabolic health – HDL-C, triglycerides, modified
LDL particles, and others – has been repeatedly and overwhelmingly demonstrated
to improve with a decrease in carbohydrate consumption. The understanding that
poor triglyceride utilization, driven by insulin resistance and excess
carbohydrate consumption, is the primary factor in metabolic dysfunction is
crucial to recognizing the failure of conventional guidelines in addressing
these risk factors. An energy deliver model of lipid metabolism best explains the
available interventional evidence and wide range of lipid observations,
existing in stark contrast to the abject catastrophe that is an entrenched
paradigm of outdated and anti-scientific dogma pushing unsuspecting persons
quickly and aggressively towards dyslipidemia, disease, and death.
The lipid-heart hypothesis has
been allowed to survive for so long because the broad relationship between
LCL-C and cardiovascular disease will always exist in an insulin resistant
population that overconsumes carbohydrates. While the relationship is loosely
valid in a diseased population, it should not be considered good enough for the
purposes of preventing or especially treating cardiometabolic disease. Instead,
the goal in both cases must be to prevent or reverse the underlying insulin
resistance and the host of hyperglycemia-induced damages that occur alongside
it. Only when this happens, when lipids are fairly viewed as an energy delivery
system rather than as a disease state, can cardiovascular, metabolic, and
chronic health truly be improved.”
Key takeaways
- LDL-C is increased when a metabolically healthy person significantly reduces carbohydrate consumption, either through fasting or a low-carb diet
- LDL-C is reduced when a person with poor metabolic health reduces carbohydrates, because previous elevations were driven by metabolic dysfunction rather than fat consumption
- Advocacy for an increase in carbohydrate consumption has variable effects on LDL-C, a marker with little to no independent relationship with cardiovascular disease, while clearly and consistently worsening every other marker of cardiometabolic health
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