You may have seen a headline a time or two about red meat
consumption being linked to diabetes, or about red meat appearing to be a prime
driver of the condition. Such
a headline is circulating in some corners of the media as I write this,
which explains the timing of this post.1
But how does that happen? How does that headline come to be,
and how have scientists determined that red meat may be to blame for the rapid
rise in diabetes? A rise, one must note, that in America has occurred alongside
a significant decrease in red meat consumption.
Below I lay out a chain of events that leads to multiple
rounds of authoritative-sounding proclamations on the diabetic dangers of meat
Here’s how it happens:
Shoddy Scientific Strategies
We start, for example, with this
study from 2011 that “evaluated the association between unprocessed and
processed red meat consumption and incident T2D in US adults.”4 The researchers went about
this task by surveying people on what they eat (and other lifestyle habits) and
assessing them for disease. Then they divided people into five quintiles of red
meat consumption and noted that the group eating the most red meat was
noticeably more likely to have diabetes than the group that ate the least.
Voila! – red meat consumption is associated with diabetes.
And in a sense, that statement is true. People who have diabetes
seem to eat more red meat than people who don’t. But the methods used to make
this determination, the decision to publish a paper claiming as such, and the
common mainstream reporting of the red meat-diabetes link seem to fall
something short of honest and factual. To be somewhat fair to the reporters who
write or comment on such topics, they’re only repeating what they’ve been told
by often respected institutions (Harvard,
and clearly aren’t reading these papers with any interest in the underlying
methods and findings.5–7 So lets do that for them…
The huge problem (there are others, but we’ll keep this as straightforward
as we can) with this study is simple. They found that those who ate the most
red meat, and had the highest rates of diabetes, consumed about 740 calories
more each day than those who consumed the least red meat. They then proceeded
to break down this calorie consumption by food group. What you see below is
each category the researchers chose to measure and the number of servings the
high-meat group ate compared to the low-meat group. Obviously more red meat,
and also fewer whole grains, fruits and veggies, etc. I’ve used USDA serving
recommendations to best estimate the caloric cost of each of these differences.
Item |
Servings +/- |
Calories +/- |
Red Meat |
+1.9 |
+ 400 |
Fruit/Veg |
-1.0 |
-60 |
Egg |
+0.3 |
+25 |
Soft Drinks |
+0.3 |
+30 |
Dairy |
+0.4 |
+75 |
Nuts |
0 |
0 |
Potato |
+0.4 |
+40 |
Fish |
-0.25 |
-50 |
Poultry |
-0.1 |
-10 |
Alcohol |
+0.4 |
+75 |
Whole Grains |
-3.0 |
-225 |
Total Calculated |
-- |
+300 |
Actual Calories |
-- |
+740 |
So the study accounts for consumption of red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, whole grains, potatoes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, alcohol….but comes up more than 400 calories short of explaining the diet of the meat-eating group. Which foods are missing? Well, there are two huge ones – sugar and refined grains. They don’t measure or list the amounts of these foods being consumed, but by process of elimination we can be quite sure the meat-eaters are also consuming multiple hundreds of calories more per day of these items.
The Effects of the Calories is What Matters
Why is this so important? Because diabetes is a disease of
insulin resistance. The cells of your body have a tolerance, so to speak, for
the storage hormone insulin. A person becomes insulin resistant when the cells
don’t respond to insulin the way they used to, which causes blood sugar to be
excessively elevated for long periods of time. This in a nutshell is
diabetes. And likely the best way to become insulin resistant is to force your
body to deal with chronically elevated insulin levels. You can think about it
like any other tolerance in this sense – the first cup of coffee you ever drank
had you wired, now it takes two to stay awake. In much the same way, cells
become dulled to the effects of excess insulin.
Sugar and refined grain consumption is so important because
carbohydrates are the primary macronutrient that raise levels of insulin in the
blood. Protein has a milder effect, while fat has no effect whatsoever. So
while red meat is extremely low on the list of foods that raise insulin levels,
sugar and refined grains are about as high as it gets.
So what the researchers claim they found is that “red
meat consumption was positively associated with the risk of T2D.” What they actually
found was that red meat + sugar + refined grain consumption was positively
associated with diabetes. I won’t speculate (yet) as to why they chose to
publish a paper focusing on the only one of those items that has a negligible impact
on insulin and blood sugar.
(I’ll note here that many interventional trials, in which
researchers actually control a subject’s diet rather than surveying them
afterwards, have demonstrated the capacity for high-fat diets to reduce insulin
levels, reduce blood sugar, and improve diabetic complications.8–18 These studies never
seem to become headlines.)
Healthy User Bias
Let’s expand further – why are people who eat more red meat
also eating more sugar and developing diabetes? This is a good time to briefly
discuss something called “healthy user bias.” Basically, people who want to be
healthy tend to do things they believe are healthy. As most people in developed
countries have been hearing their entire lives that red meat and saturated fat
aren’t so great, it ends up being the unhealthy ones who are willing to throw
caution to the wind and consume them anyway. You can see this in the study
above – the meat eaters drink more alcohol, they exercise less, they’re
significantly more likely to smoke, and, of course, they eat more sugar and
processed grains.
Now, the researchers make adjustments for the drinking,
smoking, and sedentary lifestyle in order to minimize or eliminate the effects
these factors could have on the results. But they make no effort whatsoever to
adjust for sugar/refined grain consumption or its two major effects – elevated
blood sugar and elevated insulin levels. This point is truly beyond
comprehension and renders an observational study like this little more than an
absurdity. You simply cannot claim to assess the risk of diabetes while taking
deliberate steps to ignore arguably the single greatest lifestyle factor that
influences that risk.
But, the link between red meat and diabetes is indeed what
they chose to report, so that is what filters out into the public
consciousness. It becomes “known” that red meat could cause diabetes. Which
leads us to our latest headline making the news, misleading the public in a
similar manner.
Expanding on the Previous Shoddy Science, with More Shoddy Science
“Refined carbs and red meat driving global rise in
type 2 diabetes, study says”1
The headline might make you think this claim was based on elaborate trial, or at least a painstaking assessment of the dietary choices of diabetic patients. But in reality, its based on nothing more than the previous set of highly questionable papers like the one just discussed above. The researchers here made no assessment whatsoever as to what might cause diabetes. They simply searched for studies like the one above and used them to form assumptions about which foods do cause diabetes. Then they attempted to figure out how much each pre-determined cause might contribute to the millions of cases of diabetes around the world.
Broadly speaking, the process these researchers used to
determine the respective contribution of these food groups to diabetes risk was
as follows:
- Find a bunch of observational papers like the one discussed above that link various food groups to diabetes, and decide which were worthy to include
- Use national datasets to calculate the consumption of these various food groups and compare it to the researchers own recommendations (based reportedly on government and health agency guidelines, plus the aforementioned studies) for how much people “should” be consuming of each
- Calculate the degree of deviation between the actual consumption in these populations and the recommended amount
- Compare the degree of deviation for each food group to rates of diabetes in the various populations, and attempt to calculate the degree of responsibility each deviation has on the incidence of diabetes
To be clear, this paper did not measure the dietary patterns
of diabetics. It did not attempt to measure all possible dietary trends. It
simply decided ahead of time which dietary patterns might cause diabetes and
tried to rank them using national consumption data.
This is how you end up with the surprising result that
“insufficient yogurt intake” is the world’s 5th leading cause of
diabetes. I would bet an extremely large sum of money that it is not. But these
researches found some piece of epidemiology suggesting that people who have
diabetes eat less yogurt than those who don’t, and so set their threshold for optimal
consumption nice and high – four times higher than the average person consumes
in a day. Obviously, most people (and most diabetics) don’t hit this arbitrary
threshold for yogurt consumption, so you end up with a significant deviation
from their recommended amount. Thus, they end up assigning a reasonable
proportion of all diabetes risk specifically to the insufficient consumption of
Excess consumption of refined grain is ranked first because
people tend to consume a lot of it and because they (correctly!) set the
optimal intake at zero. But they also set the threshold for red meat
consumption very low, based entirely on “evidence” like that discussed above.
How low? Roughly half an once of red meat per day. Similar to the yogurt
example, it is inevitable that most populations are consuming more than this
amount, and so it shows up a significant deviation from the researchers
pre-determined optimal amount.
Sugar Actually Does Affect Your Health
The eleven dietary trends chosen were as follows: Too much red
meat, processed meat, potatoes, refined grain, soda, and fruit juice, and not
enough fruit, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, and nuts. Once again, despite
diabetes being a condition diagnosed by the presence of excess
blood sugar, sugar itself was not even considered as a possible culprit in any
single case of the disease.
Why did these researchers, much like the ones in the first
study, choose to avoid sugar in their assessment of diabetes risk? I have no
idea. I do know this study was authored by many of the same people who recently
created a new “food compass score” that found Frosted Mini-Wheats to be one of
the healthiest foods a person could eat, so this is hardly the first time
they’ve ignored sugar.19 Nor are they the only
researchers to do this. Skipping right past sugar consumption is a huge, huge
problem in so many observational nutrition papers. And because healthy user
bias dictates that sugar and meat consumption often correlate, the result is
frequently that meat is made to look dangerous. Which in turn further magnifies
the healthy user bias, and so on.
This is where we blur the line between objective and
opinion. I don’t know why the authors of these papers make the choices they do.
But I can say with complete certainty that they are making choices that avoid
implicating sugar in a disease quite literally defined by elevated blood sugar.
I think this is probably deliberate. I think funding from sugar
and grain corporations influence their choices. I think they are doing
this to pass the blame somewhere else. I think they are doing this to
push an anti-meat narrative.
Regardless of the reasons, the result is a mainstream
message that the consumption of red meat, a food that has no real effect on
blood sugar and little effect on insulin, places one at greater risk for
diabetes. And that simply isn’t supported by physiology, disease trends, or the
available scientific evidence.
1. Refined carbs and meat driving
global rise in type 2 diabetes, study says | CNN. Accessed April 25, 2023.
ERS - Food Availability and Consumption. Accessed April 25, 2023.
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A, Sun Q, Bernstein AM, et al. Red meat consumption and risk of type 2
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5. Writer
APHS. Clearing up the confusion over red meat recommendations. Harvard Gazette.
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6. What’s
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