Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Problematic Paradigm of LDL-C, Part 9

Part 9 - An Energy Delivery Model: The Downstream Consequences of an Impaired Energy Delivery System

Previous - Part 8 - An Energy Delivery Model: The Contrasting Presentations of Elevated LDL-C

Over the preceding sections, we’ve driven home a few important facts:

  • There is effectively no independent relationship between LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular outcomes
  • There are two major manners by which the energy delivery nature of lipid metabolism can lead to elevated LDL cholesterol

The word “independent” is emphasized because without considering factors of metabolic health, the relationship between elevated LDL-C and poor cardiovascular outcomes does exist. But it appears to exist only because the number of people with elevated LDL-C through poor metabolic health (poor triglyceride utilization, increased triglyceride return to the liver, etc.) dwarf the number of people whose LDL-C is elevated as a result of an increased demand for efficient energy delivery. Because LDL-C is far more commonly elevated in unhealthy individuals, the relationship between LDL-C and cardiovascular disease persists and cholesterol appears to be a possible culprit. But is elevated LDL-C the reason for the disease, or does it simply occur alongside the real disease process? Let’s dive in –


Increased Triglyceride Return to the Liver

As you’ll recall, poor triglyceride uptake at the periphery results in an extended VLDL lifespan and a preponderance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. These lipoproteins must offload some of their excess triglyceride burden, and do so via the CETP-mediated exchange of triglycerides to HDL and LDL particles. This “spreads out” the excess triglycerides for return to the liver.

This exchange is the reason for depressed HDL-C in metabolically unhealthy persons, but it’s the effect on LDL particles on which we’ll focus. When an LDL particle serves as the trade partner, it gives away some amount of cholesterol to the VLDL and takes on a corresponding triglyceride load. Now, both particles return to the liver to offload much of their triglyceride burden there.

This process is aided by an increased expression of the LDL receptor and increased activity of an enzyme known as hepatic lipase.1–5 Typically, the principal role of hepatic lipase is to remove triglycerides and remodel the VLDL remnants to LDL particles, such that they may reenter the bloodstream. However in this case, because LDL particles are unusually rich in triglycerides, they too will be acted upon by hepatic lipase for triglyceride removal. While these particles didn’t change in size when they traded away cholesterol for triglycerides, they now shrink with the removal of those excess triglycerides.5–8


Impact of Modified LDL Particles

Herein lies one of the major ways in which poor metabolic efficiency can elevate one’s risk for cardiovascular disease. Small, dense LDL particles (sdLDL) are significantly more prone to undesirable modification than are normal LDL particles.9–14 This vulnerability is one of the reasons individuals with poor metabolic health, and thus more sdLDL, also have higher levels of oxidized and glycated LDL particles that ultimately help trigger an immune response (although, as we will see in a later section, diet can also lead to modification of normal sized LDL particles as well).12–18   

Glycated and oxidized LDL particles are those that have been damaged by exposure to elevated blood sugar and oxidative stress, respectively. They, along with yet undamaged sdLDL, are collectively known as “modified LDL particles,” and are instrumental in the genesis of cardiovascular disease. These particles are the preferential target of receptors such as lectin-type oxidized LDL receptor 1, or LOX-1, which serves to bind and degrade modified LDL particles in the lining of the blood vessel.19,20 LOX-1 activity is typically quite low, but is increased in the presence of elevated blood sugar, oxidized LDL particles, and certain inflammatory mediators.21–27

LOX-1 acts by binding and engulfing the modified LDL particle in the vessel wall, which has multiple cascading effects. These include:

  •  Increased expression of NADPH Oxidase, an often-dormant enzyme that catalyzes the formation of reactive oxygen species (“free radicals”)28,29
  •  Increased expression of the immune-modulating protein NF-kB, which plays an inflammatory role in many disease states30–32
  • Increased action, via NF-kB, of adhesion molecules such as vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP1), which aid in the signaling of immune cells to the site of the vessel-bound LDL particle19,33–35


Before continuing, this is a good time to stress again that the cholesterol contained within these molecules has nothing to do with this process, and that unmodified LDL particles are not a normal target for LOX-1 binding.19,36–39


Immune Activity

So what happens after LOX-1 binds a modified LDL particle and begins signaling other molecules to get involved? One main effect is the aforementioned upregulation of adhesion molecules such as VCAM1 and MCP1, which generally serve to attract and mediate the adhesion of immune cells known as macrophages to the areas of LDL particle entrapment. These macrophages can then move into the wall of the blood vessel and internalize the LDL particle, which are degraded during the formation of something known as a foam cell.40–42

Foam cells can broadly take two paths from here. The first involves the transport of the free cholesterol from the now-degraded LDL particle to the surface of the foam cell for eventual recycling to the body.43 Consider this entire process from an evolutionary perspective to understand why this is natural and likely helpful – Even in a very healthy person, some LDL particles are inevitably going to be modified or damaged, making them a target of LOX-1 and a subsequent immune response. While it might sound crazy in the context of plaque and modern heart disease, the binding of a damaged particle to the wall of the blood vessel serves an important purpose – it prevents the damaged LDL from traveling to other parts of the body and furthering oxidative damage elsewhere. With the aforementioned systems in place to capture, destroy, and recycle its components, the occasional damaged LDL particle can be sequestered and then removed from the blood vessel with no long-term damage or risk.

The second path, however, is far more sinister and may be followed when the rate of damaged particle entrapment exceeds the rate of particle removal. Foam cells themselves release macrophage retention factors that discourage migration away from the initial site of LDL entrapment and encourage further macrophage activity.42,44,45 This promotes the proliferation of something called vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), the cells that form the wall of the blood vessel. Particularly in cases of significant foam cell formation, these VSMCs will help form a fibrous cap (a new vessel wall, essentially) over the site of LDL and macrophage accumulation. This blocks off the foam cells from the rest of the bloodstream, but also narrows the blood vessel itself. The progressive thickening and potential rupture of these VSMC caps are what lead to arterial blockage and other cardiovascular manifestation of disease.46–49

Of note – the VSMC cap interferes with normal calcium regulation and encourages calcium depositions in the blood vessels that can be measured on a coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan.50–52 A CAC scan is one of the gold standard measures of potential heart disease, as it measures narrowing and potential blockages in the vessels themselves. It is when following this second path – when the immune response to modified LDL particles exceeds the capacity to clear them – that calcium deposits are noted and significant arterial narrowing may occur.

The genesis of sdLDL is instrumental in the formation of arterial plaques and the progression of cardiovascular disease. However, it is not the only factor that increases the risk for cardiovascular events. As noted, the glycation and oxidation of normal LDL particles can contribute as well, as can a variety of other factors that we will explore in the next section.


**Key Takeaways

  • The increase in triglyceride return to the liver results in an increased action of hepatic lipase on LDL particles, causing them to shrink in size
  • sdLDL particles are particularly prone to oxidative and glycemic damage and, along with other damaged LDL particles, may be bound in the vessel wall by receptors such as LOX-1
  • The binding of a modified LDL particle by LOX-1 triggers an immune response at the site of LDL entrapment, resulting in the formation of macrophage foam cells
  • When the rate of foam cell and VSMC cap formation exceeds the capacity to degrade and recycle the damaged LDL particles, plaques can occur



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