Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Problematic Paradigm of LDL-C, Part 11

Part 11 - The Effects of Diet on Markers of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health

Previous - Part 10 - Other Factors in the Development of Atherosclerosis

Now that we’ve thoroughly examined the manner by which poor metabolic health can lead to small, damaged LDL particles and compromised blood vessels, lets finish our exploration of the LDL disease paradigm by examining common health markers and the effects of dietary choices on each.  


Impaired Metabolic Health

As has been made extremely clear by now, an individual with poor lipid metabolism will have several characteristic features. They will take up triglycerides slowly and inefficiently, which increases both the lifespan and the triglyceride count of the VLDL particles that transport them. This will lead to increased trading with HDL and LDL particles in order to share the excess triglyceride burden that must return to the liver. As a result, HDL-C will do down, while triglyceride-rich LDL particles will be acted on at the liver and reduced in size. This leads to a preponderance of small, dense LDL particles that are prime targets for modification, damage, and an immune response instrumental in atherosclerotic development.

Let’s walk through several of these and other markers one at a time, highlighting dozens of controlled trials that have sought to examine how dietary choices affect each of them.



High triglycerides levels, as we have explored, are not primarily indicative of high triglyceride production but instead of poor triglyceride uptake by the cells of the body. This is effectively where metabolic dyslipidemia begins; Many other markers of poor metabolic health – low HDL-C, high VLDL-C, etc. – stem directly from the surplus of triglycerides in the blood of a person who cannot effectively utilize them.

Conventional advice on triglyceride lowering is mixed, but improving. Some authoritative sources, such as the Mayo Clinic, correctly blame high carbohydrate consumption above all else as a cause of elevated triglycerides (“If you regularly eat more calories than you burn, particularly from high-carbohydrate foods, you may have high triglycerides”).1 However, this position is hardly unanimous. Recent guidelines on triglyceride management from the American College of Cardiology include the advice that “clinicians are advised to further reduce TGs with a very low-fat diet.”2

The scientific literature on this topic, however, is extremely clear. To my knowledge (and believe me, I’ve looked), there does not yet exist a controlled trial in which the replacement of fat with carbohydrates has demonstrated a reduction in triglycerides. On the contrary, it is a fairly trivial task to find dozens that demonstrate the opposite.3–55 The reasons for this are multiple:

  • Elevated blood sugar causes glucose to be preferentially burned in an effort to return blood sugar levels to normal, inhibiting fat-utilization and essentially leaving triglycerides to accumulate as they wait to be taken up.
  • Long-term exposure to excess carbohydrates can lead to chronically elevated insulin and potential insulin resistance, making it more difficult for some cells to take in triglycerides.  
  • Some carbohydrates (fructose, most specifically) are directly converted to triglycerides in the liver. Thus it is common to heavily utilize carbs for energy while also creating new triglycerides that can’t presently be taken up.

In short – in order to lower triglycerides, one must eat fewer carbohydrates and “teach” the body to begin utilizing fat at a more efficient rate.



The largest factor in HDL-C levels is of course the degree to which HDL particles must trade away cholesterol in order to take on triglycerides from heavily-burdened VLDL particles. It should be no surprise whatsoever, then, that the science on HDL-C is just as consistently clear and overwhelming as is the science of triglycerides. When one eats too many carbohydrates, HDL-C goes down.6,15,21,23,27,30–34,41–43,47,48,54,56–71

This is not the only way diet can affect HDL however. A high HDL particle count is also associated with decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, and tends to increase alongside HDL-C. High fat consumption drives further production of apoA1, the main structural component of HDL particles.71–75 Unsurprisingly, then, greater fat consumption is associated with increased HDL particle count.66,76–79

Again we see that in order to improve HDL-C levels, one absolutely must replace some dietary carbohydrates with fat. 



This one should be fairly clear as well. Because poor triglyceride utilization both increases the risk for cardiovascular disease and increases the lifespan of a triglyceride-rich VLDL particle, it meets all expectations that studies show a strong connection between elevated VLDL-C and cardiovascular disease.80–84

Equally as expected, trials routinely indicate that reducing carbohydrate intake improves VLDL-C levels.8,37,85–88


LDL particle size and sdLDL  

The reasons for the strong association between decreased LDL particle size and increased cardiovascular risk have been detailed at length – poor triglyceride utilization and increased return of triglycerides to the liver drives these changes. Again, as was the case with the previous markers, numerous trials have demonstrated that increased carbohydrate consumption at the expense of fat drives an increase in sdLDL and a decrease in average LDL particle size.4,36,37,76,77,89–94


Other factors

The markers outlined above are common health markers and major players in lipid metabolism that have been extensively demonstrated to improve with reduced carbohydrate consumption. Many other factors are affected by carbohydrate consumption as well, including:

  • Oxidized LDL – Decreasing the glycemic load, decreasing fructose consumption, and increasing fat consumption have all been demonstrated to reduce levels of oxidized LDL particles.95–101
  • lipoprotein(a) – lp(a), an LDL-like particle considered to be particularly atherogenic, serves as a primary carrier of oxidized lipoproteins. While many incorrectly assume lp(a) levels to be genetically fixed, they can in fact be lowered through increased saturated fat consumption.101–104
    • The primary reason the above points are true is because highly unsaturated fatty acids (such as those found in seed oils like corn, soybean, canola, etc.) are more reactive than saturated fatty acids and those more susceptible to modification. This may be exacerbated by the inflammatory conditions consistent with long-term elevated blood sugar.
  • Hyperglycemia decreases the availability of nitric oxide, contributing to increases in oxidized LDL and impairing vascular integrity.105–109
  • Hyperglycemia increases the expression of the free radical-generating NADPH oxidase and the immune-modulating protein NF-kB, instrumental in the inflammatory immune response that binds LDL particles at the walls of the blood vessel.110–117
  • Hyperglycemia both damages and impairs rebuilding of the protective glycocalyx that lines the walls of the blood vessels. 118–122


Hundreds of studies demonstrate that these and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease are made worse by increasing adherence to a carbohydrate-heavy diet. The reasons for this are readily apparent with an understanding of lipid mechanics, and the ways in which poor triglyceride utilization and excess blood sugar lead to a variety of atherogenic conditions. There is one metric left to examine though – LDL-C – which we’ll cover in the next, and final, section.


**Key Takeaways

  • Every common cardiometabolic marker (leaving aside LDL-C) reliably and consistently improves with a decrease in carbohydrate consumption and an increase in fat
  • Modification and damage to both LDL particles and the overall vascular environment is increased by the presence of excess carbohydrate in the bloodstream


Part 12 - The Effects of Diet of LDL-C, As Told By Energy Delivery

1.               Triglycerides: Why do they matter? - Mayo Clinic. Accessed April 22, 2023. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/in-depth/triglycerides/art-20048186

2.               Hypertriglyceridemia Management According to the 2018 AHA/ACC Guideline. American College of Cardiology. Accessed August 12, 2022. https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/articles/2019/01/11/07/39/http%3a%2f%2fwww.acc.org%2flatest-in-cardiology%2farticles%2f2019%2f01%2f11%2f07%2f39%2fhypertriglyceridemia-management-according-to-the-2018-aha-acc-guideline

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